We are in the process of searching for Event Guests for the 47th Mile Marathon.
If you have a contact or know of someone who may be interested in being an Event Guest, please reach out to the Events Coordinator Alejandra Maxon or Carla Coleman.
Event Guests are asked to spend two 10-15 minute sessions with a classroom of students before the race: helping the students pin on their race bibs, stretching with them, speaking about a healthy lifestyle, and answering questions. They will run with the grade level they helped prepare, encouraging students to the finish line.
As an Event Guest, you are encouraged to arrive to Columbine by 8AM. Be mindful that there will be road closures around the school, and available parking is likely to require you to walk from a few streets away. Please meet at the front entrance of the school and bring a photo ID for a quick background check. A volunteer will help you find your assigned grade level and show you where to meet them.
We look forward to seeing you on Event Day and are grateful for your participation in sharing the joy of running. Thank you!